Sunday, September 19, 2010

Social Learning

The way we view everyday life is greatly impacted by social learning. The media is responsible for the way people learn how to react to certain events and situations. What is seen in the media is how the people viewing it will act, imitating what they see. We humans are easily influenced, which is why social learning has been in existence for quite a while now. The social learning theory aides in the understanding of the impact of the images seen in Tough Guise and Killing Us Softly.

In the documentaries Killing Us Softly and Tough Guise, the social learning theory is clearly able to be seen by the viewers. They both explain how males and females are portrayed in the media, and the way that they are presented is what we are so used to seeing. The "normal" female is passive and dominated by the male, used only for their own selfish purposes. The "normal" male has to put on a front of being strong and tough in order to be accepted by society. This is able to be seen in most fashion advertisements.

The male always dominates the female, who is seen as only an object, in a sexual way. Also, there is another negative message being given off by such ads. The "perfect" body is often portrayed, which brainwashes young people into thinking that what they see in the ad is what they should also see in the mirror.

From toddler days to adolescence to adulthood, the social learning theory has always had an impact on the lives of everyday people.

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